Vanuatu Labour Mobility Policy Development – Technical Assistance

Over the past 10 years, labour mobility has become a growing export for Vanuatu due to growing demands from overseas for unskilled labour. The unskilled labour exports are primarily to New Zealand (NZ) under the Recognised Seasonal Employment (RSE) scheme and to Australia under the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP). Since the inception in 2007 of the New Zealand RSE scheme, the program has grown from strength to strength, with Vanuatu now sending over 4,000 workers each year. Vanuatu started sending workers to Australia under the Pacific Seasonal Worker Pilot Scheme in 2009, which was later replaced by the SWP.
Technical Assistance is being sought to undertake the development of a National Labour Mobility Policy Framework. In developing the Policy Framework, the Technical Assistance will be expected to work cooperatively with the MOFAICET, MOIA and the Labour Mobility Task Force who has the mandate to oversee the development and implementation of the Policy Framework. Other parties and stakeholders to be consulted will include the Department of Labour and the Employment Services Unit (ESU), trading partners, private sector and civil society as well as the governments of Australia and New Zealand.
Up to 45 consultancy days over two months.